Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Lexi!

Happy Birthday to my little one year old Lexi! I can't believe how fast the year has gone! We're having a little BBQ for family & friends tonight. Not much, but we want to celebrate our cute little girl. Here's a little about her:
  *she got her first tooth at 4 months
  *she started crawling around 6 1/2 months
  *two weeks later she started walking
  *she's very emotional & cries over everything 
  *she's got her daddy wrapped around her little finger
  *she's also got Ethan wrapped around her finger!
  *she has all her teeth but her 4 "i" teeth (the pointy ones)
  *she's got a smile that just melts your heart!
  *she says a few words, but usually Ethan does the talking
  *she watches every move you make & copies exactly what you do
  *she loves to help me clean (I love it too!)
We love Lexi! Happy Birthday pretty girl!

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