Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Random Joys

Jeff and his dad made the kids a swing set & brought it home yesteryday. The kids have loved it! They'd be on it all day if they could. I guess I would prefer something that doesn't involve me so much, cause now I have to push them all the time! But oh well, they enjoy it & it gives them something to do other than fight.
This far right picture of Makelle standing up outside the tub was the first time she pulled herself up onto something. She was so proud of herself! She's growing up too fast! She's still on the verge of crawling, she's scooting around everywhere & gets where she wants to go.
Lexi had a break through this week. She's been crying through nursery for the whole 2 hours. And this week she whined a little when I dropped her off & then went & played. I'm so proud of her! Prayers are answered! It might seem insignificant to some, but I really needed her to go to nursery so I could fulfill my calling & let Jeff go to his classes, without feeling guilty that I left my 2 year old to cry. It took about 8 months to soften her heart, but it was worth it! Let's cross our fingers that next week is just as good!
It's hard to believe that Ethan starts pre-school in a couple months & then off to kindergarten next year. He's grown up so fast! He loves writing his letters & learning how to spell things. The other day he said "Mom, I know how to spell piano; P-N-O" He was close & I thought it was so cute that his mind was actually trying to figure that stuff out.


Developed Memories Photography said...

that is SO cool that they built a swingset. Lucky kids :)

The Miche's said...

That is so fun to have a swing set as a kid! I agree it does stink having to push though! I love that Ethan is trying to figure out how to spell things! So cute!

Holly said...

I can't believe your baby is standing already!! AND I wish we had a swing set...I wish we had room for one!!