So we went to Bear Lake this weekend & wouldn't ya know it I forgot my camera. We left on Thursday, it was kinda rainy & cold that day. On Friday we took the paddle boat out to the lake & then went to the beach with the extended family for lunch. There was a pool at Ideal Beach, my kids enjoyed that a little bit more than the freezing lake. Ethan learned how to swim with his life jacket... he is so proud of himself! Lexi & Makelle had lots of fun floating in their tubes. Friday night we went to my aunt & uncles cabin for dinner & a treasure hunt. Five of the teenage boys got to pick the teams, my cousin who is down syndrome picked me to be on his team. Just a little side note here, he has such a sweet spirit & is so loving, we have always had a special bond & I felt honored to be the first one picked on his team. We had 8 things we had to accomplish as a team: play horse shoes (everybody had to take their turn), walk across a log, jump rope to a song, jump on the tramp for 1 minute as a team (we were almost touching the ground), sing 2 primary songs around the fire pit, say the pledge of allegiance & sing a patriotic song around the flag, build a rock tower that didn't fall & blow a bubble with your eyes closed.I felt so close to my cousins & my uncle that were on my team, I got to see them in a different light. It was fun to bond with my cousins that I don't see very often. Lexi was on my team too, it was fun to see her try to jump the rope & walk across the log. Good times... Moyes girls, you missed out!! Saturday we took the paddle boat out again, made lunch & headed to town for a raspberry shake, can't go to Bear Lake without having one of those! Anyway, we made it home safely without any blown tires!!
Saturday night we went to fireworks with some friends. The top left picture is of the finale for Riverton fireworks & the picture underneath that one is the finale for Herriman fireworks. Good one eh? My camera was way slow, but the Herriman fireworks weren't that great anyway, they only lasted 10 minutes. A few minutes into the Riverton fireworks Lexi said she was done & wanted to go home. The kids were so tired from camping & swimming, I don't blame her. But she toughed it out & enjoyed the show. Makelle slept through it all & slept until 7 the next morning! Makelle is also trying so hard to crawl... she'll get on her knees & rock & scoot, it's only a matter of days before she gets it. I'm gonna miss the stage of just sitting & being happy.