Can I be the first to admit that I'm struggling!! Three kids is hard, & I am hard on myself. I demand perfection of myself (not of my kids), but when I can't keep up with the house & give all three kids all the attention they demand I beat up on myself. And then I wonder why I'm so unhappy. Life has so many demands & I'm not doing a good job at prioritizing. Last night I was talking to Jeff & telling him that I didn't have a desire try anymore he said, "Can I give you one of your mother's day presents early?" Of course I said yes, but I was wondering why he wasn't giving me any advice or help. He came up with a book called Daughters of God, by M. Russell Ballard. I started to cry, somehow I knew without even reading the book that this was the answer to my prayers. I thank my Heavenly Father for Jeff & for his willingness to obey the promptings of the Spirit to get this book for me. I started the book last night & burst into tears, it described EXACTLY how I was feeling... "There are moments of great joy & incredible fulfillment, but there are also moments of a sense of inadequacy, monotony & frustration. Mothers may feel they receive little or no appreciation for the choice they have made." It's so nice to hear those words from someone else, somebody else knows EXACTLY how i feel. And it's ok to feel that way! As I read on it asked this question: "What can you do, as a young mother, to reduce the pressure & enjoy your family more?"
As I've thought about that question as I've gone about my day today, I realize that life isn't about having perfection in everything I do. As long as I try my best in raising my children how my Heavenly Father wants them raised & that probably means that I have to let my house stay a little dirty. "It is crucial to focus on our children for the short time we have them with us and to seek, with the help of the Lord, to teach them all we can before they leave our homes."
I love my children and am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be a mother. Despite the enormous amount of pressure I feel to teach them the gospel so they can make the right choices when they're faced with temptations, I know I have my Heavenly Father's help. He's there, listening to me & helping me. I have a renewed desire to be a better mom & live in the moments that bring me happiness & joy.