Me & the kids have had cabin fever for quite some time, we're ready for winter to be over! So with Spencer coming home a trip to the cabin was evident & we were so happy to take the weekend off.
Lexi had her first salt & vinegar chip up there, it's pretty evident she didn't care for it
Ethan loved watching movies & playing with his cousin Kayla & 2nd cousin Ben. They played so good together, we rarely saw them come downstairs.
A rare occasion when Lexi actually held still & posed for the camera. She had so much fun exploring, she found lots of bugs & didn't mind picking them up & observing them
Ethan went a little camera happy, and this one actually turned out ok, at least the picture is centered
This was Makelle's first trip to the cabin. She was so good, even though she cut her first tooth the day we got there
It was perfect sledding weather, Lexi had the most fun going down the hill a million times a day. Jeff was a good sport to take her.
Jeff & Spencer getting ready to go sledding, they found a pretty good hill to go down & just couldn't stay away from it.I went cross country skiing for the first time while I was up there. Me & Melissa enjoyed a quiet time together. We had lots of fun, I fell a lot, but once I got the hang of it I actually did pretty good.
I went a little camera happy on Makelle today, I feel bad I don't get as many pictures of her as I do of the other kids. This one turned out to be my favorite
Ethan took this one, he's getting to be a pretty good camera man.
It looks like it was a GREAT trip! I'm so jelouse looking at the pictures, I wish we could have been there. :( Makelle is just getting so big!
Cute pictures! Yeah is was a pretty good trip to the cabin!! Tonz of fun. Ethan really did a good job with the camera! Good job Ethan!
It's funny how the only pictures I have of me and one of the kids are the ones that Maddie takes:)
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