Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Temple Work

About five years ago a bunch of my cousins and I did baptisms for the dead & confirmations. While I was doing the baptisms I noticed a name that has stuck in my head even til this day: Clifford R. Kearns. It was a woman & I thought it odd a woman named Clifford. During confirmations I was a little worried that I would not also be able to be confirmed for her; but as luck would have it I was able to be confirmed for her as well. Well, I wouldn't say luck I would say the Lord had a hand in it. For some reason I have been called to do this woman's work. I was discussing this situation with my aunt while doing a sealing session on Saturday night & Sunday night she gave me her card to also do her endowments; I thought it would have already been done after all this time. I feel horrible to have had to make her wait this long. This woman has waited since the early 1800's to have her work done for her & I feel blessed to be called to do it for her.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Aubrey! I totally know what you mean! There are so many people waiting and sometimes we say "I am too busy!" You post was a good reminder. There is a lot of work to do. Thanks! :) Becca