The diaper fairy came & took all of Makelle's diapers about a week ago. She left a puzzle, Makelle loves it! She can do it herself & does it all day long! The first day was a disaster! She had more accidents than successes. I was really frustrated & thought maybe it was too early. The next day she didn't have one pee accident & since then really hasn't... unless we're at Grandma's house; she's too busy playing. She's pooed on my floor quite a few times, but had her first successful #2 in the potty a few days ago. We were so happy! She's still a work in progress, but for the most part it's done! Can I just say how excited I am to only have one in diapers!!! That hasn't happened for about 3 1/2 years

Here's my big 2 year old. HOORAY!
Ha, that is AWESOME!!!! Yeah...we are still working on Katy. It's just hard to be super consistent when Steve is with her in the mornings and I am with her in the afternoon....let's face it, Steve gets a bit lazy about it all! Ha! I miss you guys. I am going to have to figure something out because I am working at 7:00 now it makes it hard to get up and back and ready in time....are you still doing saturdays? Maybe I can just be in for that? Let me know!
Yea! for no diapers...I hope my next one is easier than chey. Luckily we finally got Chey to do #2 in the potty....well 80% of the time:)
Nice! I can't believe how grown up she looks all the sudden! I guess no diapers can do that to a girl:) haha!
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